3 Ways Insurance Leaders Can Leverage Information to Transform

Why Insurance Leaders Need to invest in their Data

The insurance industry is one of the most data-driven industries out there and yet, many insurance companies still need to invest more in their data.

 Insurance companies rely on data to make well-informed pricing, underwriting, and claims decisions. With good data, these decisions can have a tremendous impact on the financial health of the organization. Here are 3 Ways Leaders can better leverage their data in the Insurance Industry:

#1 Create a feedback loop for insurance information

The use of data is critical for accurate underwriting. However, insurance leaders still need to work on utilizing their company data to inform decision-making. Furthermore, many believe their organization has the potential to turn data into insights, yet only some are acting on those insights.

This lack of confidence in data use will profoundly affect an insurer’s ability to stay competitive. Those that don’t invest in their data infrastructure will find it increasingly difficult to price risk accurately and profitably.

Using data doesn’t mean buying more data or hiring more analysts. It means having the right processes and technology to generate actionable insights from data, and then using those insights to improve underwriting decisions. In other words, it means creating a feedback loop of information that can be used to improve the way risks are priced continuously.

This may sound like a daunting task, but it’s one that Insurance Leaders must take on if they want to remain competitive in the years ahead.

#2 Leverage Data to Become a more aligned organization (Underwriting, Claims, Modeling)

Leveraging Data is essential for any insurance organization that wants to be more informed and efficient. Insurance leaders can improve underwriting, claims management, and modeling by utilizing data.

Claims and underwriting have always been separate functions that are essential to the insurance business. However, as many insurers have discovered, using alternative data, transparency in information, and a common cost database can add consistency and provide a consistent basis for company forecasts, decisions, and insights. Based on this, tight integration of systems in both areas allows for measurable operational efficiencies in claims and insurance departments.

To do this effectively, insurers must have accurate and up-to-date information. Payment processors also rely heavily on data. Using Data, insurers can streamline collection processes and improve customer satisfaction.

Modeling is another area where data can be helpful. Insurance companies use models to assess risks and calculate premiums. The more Data that is available, the more accurate these models are. Value can be extracted through integration platforms in workflow software with data to drive benefit in the following areas

A. Data Consistency

B. Workflow Improvement & Information Exchange

C. Enhanced Analytics

#3 Reduce Claims Exposure, settlement insight, and Improve Claim Efficiency

There are three primary ways that data can help insurance companies improve their claims management processes:

  1. reducing exposure to fraudulent or inaccurate claims
  2. increasing the efficiency of settlements
  3. improving the customer experience

Fraudulent claims cost the insurance industry billions of dollars every year, and data can be used to help identify red flags that may indicate fraud. For example, utilizing alternative data to identify specific patterns of behavior or unusual claim activity might be flagged for further investigation. By reducing exposure to fraud, insurers can save money and resources that can be redirected to other areas.

In addition, data can be used to provide insights that can help speed up the settlement process. For example, if there is a history of a particular type of claim being filed in a certain area, that information can be used to help assess new claims more quickly. By increasing the efficiency of settlements, insurers can reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction.

Become more agile, creating the ability to build out cross-functional teams

To become more agile, insurance leaders need to invest in their data. This will allow them to build cross-functional teams working together to make decisions more quickly. The data will also help them better understand their customers and what they need from their insurance policies.

Insurance leaders who want to stay ahead of the competition need to invest in their data. By leveraging data, they can improve their operations and better serve their customers.